Pipe Relining Technique Remains a Popular Method of Rehabilitating Aging Water Pipelines


The method of pipe relining has been around since the 1960s, but it remains a popular option for rehabilitating aging water pipelines. This method entails placing an epoxy coated fiberglass tube inside the old pipe to reinforce it, essentially building a new pipe inside the old one. This results in a strong, durable pipe that will serve the community well for many years, while also being more environmentally friendly than the traditional methods of replacing pipes. However, there are some situations where a municipality might want to go with another solution instead of relining their wastewater or stormwater pipes.

A popular method of rehabilitating aging water pipelines is known as pipe relining. This method entails placing an epoxy coated fiberglass tube inside the old pipe to reinforce it, essentially building a new pipe inside the old one. This results in a strong, durable pipe that will serve the community well for many years, while also being more environmentally friendly than the traditional methods of replacing pipes. However, pipe relining is not the right solution for every situation.

Pipe relining is not the right solution for every situation. It may not always be cost effective, and it can be difficult to perform. It may not always be the best option for certain materials or types of pipes, such as those made from concrete or PVC.

The primary benefit to this type of repair is that an existing pipeline does not need to be dug up and replaced with a new one. The professionals who specialize in this type of repair can essentially do the work from above ground. With all of the costs associated with digging up, removing and replacing old pipes with new ones, municipalities are often looking for ways to cut costs or defer these expenses until they absolutely have to be done.

Relining pipes Sydney is a great option for many municipalities because it allows them to rehabilitate existing pipelines without having to dig up the old pipe and replace it with a new one. The pipe reliner will go into the sewer line, or wherever your aging water pipes are located, and inject a liner inside of them. This liner will adhere to the walls of your pipe and create a smooth surface that can withstand pressure from any fluid flowing through it.

The primary benefit to this type of repair is that an existing pipeline does not need to be dug up and replaced with a new one. The professionals who specialize in this type of repair can essentially do the work from above ground. With all of the costs associated with digging up, removing and replacing old pipes with new ones, municipalities are often looking for ways to cut costs or defer these expenses until they absolutely have to be done.

Pipe relining also gives you some environmental benefits over other traditional methods such as replacement or rehabilitation (i.e., patching). When you dig up existing pipes you risk damaging environment surrounding your project site through runoff or other potential problems caused by disturbing soils during installation activities such as excavating trenches including embankments along roadways where pipes were previously buried before construction began decades ago!

Oftentimes, wastewater or stormwater pipes are situated under roads or other buildings for long stretches. Digging these up means disrupting traffic and businesses until repairs can be completed and everything is put back together again. That creates additional costs that a community may not want to incur on top of the cost of buying and installing brand new pipes. Even if it costs more upfront, some communities prefer to go with a longer term solution that will pay off over time so they don’t have to pay more than they must later on.

Pipe relining is an alternative to traditional pipe replacement. Instead of digging up entire water mains or stormwater pipes and replacing them with brand new ones, a relined pipe can be installed in place of the old. This method is less disruptive to traffic and businesses because it doesn’t require major road closures, detours, or construction equipment blocking access to parking lots and storefronts. It also means less disruption overall: no need for crews working in dangerous areas at night when most people aren’t around; no lost productivity from businesses due to road closures; no waiting for contractors to finish their work before you can reopen your doors.

In addition to its cost savings on labor costs related directly to construction projects such as these (assuming there won’t be any additional costs caused by delays), pipe relining offers several other benefits over traditional methods including lower initial installation costs than installing brand new pipes from scratch plus long-term savings thanks simply because there won’t likely ever be another repair job needed unless something unexpected happens like flooding or another destructive event that damages the structure itself beyond repair level


The pipe relining method is an excellent option for communities that want to repair their aging water pipelines in a safe, cost-effective way. This method allows for repairs to be done quickly and efficiently with little disturbance to traffic or businesses. It also saves money because it does not require replacing pipes entirely, which can be expensive and disruptive. If your community needs new water lines but doesn’t have the budget for them at this time, consider contacting us today about what we can do for you! Visit website for some options you might need for pipe relining.